Armand Aupiais

PHD Candidate
Urmis (Paris Diderot)
AMiMo (IFEA, Istanbul)

Personal page: Urmis
Open Archives : Hal


Armand Aupiais-L’homme is a candidate in socio-anthropology at the Unité de Recherche “Migrations et Sociétés” (Université Paris Diderot), and researcher at the Axe Migrations et Mobilités (Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes). Based in Istanbul, he is carrying out an ethnographic research regarding relations between the emergence of Turkish protestant evangelicalism and international Christian migrations from southern countries in the city.

Research Project
His research as a part of MisSMO project aims to interrogate the way in which local inscription of evangelical Christians in Turkey revive the older Armenian and “western” protestant implantations through occupying established places of worship, and at the same time develop communities, conjugalities, ritualities, and narrativities that tends to distinguish them from classical evangelicalism and keep them away from a discontinuous and conflicting history of the Christian missions to Turkey.